The Dickinson Family | Baby #4!
In early May, back when this whole Covid thing was in a little more control and I was braver to go in people's homes, I spent some time with the Dickinson family after they brought their newest little one home. I was supposed to do a Fresh 48 and photograph their oldest girls meeting their new baby brother, but sadly because of corona I couldn't go. We did get to announce when they were pregnant back in the autumn though! Mom is a champ though {as are all moms having babies during this pandemic}! You're my heroes! It's hard enough to give birth during a regular pre-covid day, but now it's so isolated and you have to take the test at check-in.. no fun!
Back to the family.... Everyone was so excited to welcome the new addition. Three girls and now their little caboose... a baby brother. He is going to be spoiled by his big sisters! I know Dad loves his girls, but I know he was excited to bring home his little guy, Mom too. Also, the girls were super happy to share their rooms with me and have me photograph them in their spaces and the focus not be entirely on the newborn, lol.
I have no idea how newborns do it, but they can sleep through an amazing amount of noise because with three older sisters who are hyped up to be photographed, dance around, and make shaved ice, this little guy could sleep. If he wasn't sleeping, he was just watching and stayed so calm, or he was scared to peep because he didn't want to draw attention to himself, lol.
Dickinsons, I am so grateful to have had the chance to meet your newest little guy and photograph you all, yet again! I'm looking forward to capturing Baby M's milestone months and it will be amazing to see how he changes throughout the year. Your family photos are always incredible because of the fun and charismatic people that you are. Those girls know how to charm for the camera! I look forward to posting those 3 month milestone photos soon!